
All information about the museum’s educational activities

The Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Centre and its units, with the support of history teachers in Lithuanian mainstream schools, have developed and published a number of information materials for teaching history.

We currently offer:

Plakatas "Lietuvos laisvės kovos sąjūdžio atstovas užsieniui mjr. Juozas Lukša"

Representative of the Movement of Struggle for the Freedom of Lithuania abroad Major Juozas Lukša
(4 August 1921 – 4 September 1951)

The poster contains a brief biography of Juozas Albinas Lukša. It is richly illustrated with historical photographs and documents illustrating the life and struggle of the partisan.

Format: 84 x 120 cm
Plakatas "Dalia Marija Grinkevičiūtė"

Dalia Marija Grinkevičiūtė
(28 May 1927 – 25 December 1987)

The poster presents the detailed life story of Dalia Marija Grinkevičiūtė, a deportee, political prisoner, doctor, author of the book Lietuviai prie Laptevų jūros [Lithuanians at the Laptev Sea] which is her life story in exile and as such is a story of June 1941 deportation, the experiences in exile, the determination to escape, the arrest, the interrogation, the imprisonment in the labour camp and the return to the place of exile. She tried to write down what she had gone through, so that it does not get lost and is not forgotten. The poster is richly illustrated with historical and contemporary photographs, facsimiles of documents, publications, and manuscripts.

Format: 42 x 60 cm
Plakatas "Lietuvos partizanų apygardos 1949–1950 m."

Lithuanian Partisan Districts 1949–1950

The educational map consists of a geographical map of Lithuania with the boundaries of partisan formations, districts and areas marked, and two charts marking the territories of the Lithuanian partisan districts and Lithuanian partisan areas with different colours.

Format: 60 x 84 cm

General Jonas Žemaitis-Vytautas, Chairman of the Presidium of the Council of the Movement of the Struggle for Freedom of Lithuania
(15 March 1909 – 26 November 1954)

The poster contains a facsimile of the Declaration of the Council of the Movement of Struggle for the Freedom of Lithuania of 16 February 1949, historical photographs and documents illustrating the life and struggle of Jonas Žemaitis-Vytautas.

Format: 60 x 84 cm
Plakatas "Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas"

Colonel Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas signatory of the Declaration of the Council of the Movement of the Struggle for Freedom of Lithuania (LLKS), Commander of the LLKS Defence Forces
(6 March 1918 – 29 November 1957)

The poster contains a brief biography of Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas and is richly illustrated with historical photographs of the partisan’s life and struggle, as well as a document of the execution of his death sentence.

Format: 60 x 84 cm
Plakatas "Dainavos apygardos vadas Lionginas Baliukevičius-Dzūkas"

Commander of Dainava District Lionginas Baliukevičius-Dzūkas
(1 January 1925 – 24 June 1950)

The poster contains a brief biography of Lionginas Baliukevičius-Dzūkas and is richly illustrated with historical and contemporary photographs of the partisan’s life and struggle.

Format: 60 x 84 cm
Plakatas "Liepsnojantis laisvės šauklys Romas Kalanta"

Romas Kalanta, herald of freedom in flames

The poster gives a brief overview of the heroic deed of Romas Kalanta, the events that followed in Kaunas and their historical evaluation. It is richly illustrated with historical and contemporary photographs and facsimiles of documents.

Format: 42 x 60 cm
Plakatas "Tauro apygarda. 1945 m. rugpjūtis–1952 m. birželis"

Tauras district. August 1945 – June 1952

The poster describes the history of Tauras district and is richly illustrated with historical photographs, images of contemporary monuments and facsimiles of newspapers published in the district. A map of Tauras district and a list of all the commanders of the district are also included.

Format: 60 x 84 cm

How to book the Materials

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