Travelling exhibition

Poles interned in Lithuania 1939-1940

Format: 20 freestanding interconnected stands
Dimensions: 100 x 210 cm
Descriptions: In Lithuanian

Main Information


The travelling exhibition prepared in 2011 by the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN, Poland), the Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania and Kaunas Vytautas the Great War Museum explores the tragic political situation of the Polish state following the signature of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact on 23 August 1939, the defence of Poland in September 1939, the retreat of military and civilians to Lithuania, Lithuania’s position towards Poland in September 1939, and the creation and location of the internment camp system in the 1939-1940 period, daily life in the internment camps, underground and creative activities of the internees, the biographies of the administrative officials of the internment camps, the assistance of the Poles in Lithuania to the internees and war refugees, and the fate of the internment camp authorities and the internees themselves after the occupation of Lithuania in June 1940.
In 2012, the exhibition went on display in Lithuania as part of cooperation between the Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights of the LGGRTC and the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN, Poland).

Fragments of the Exhibition

Kilnojamoji paroda „1939–1940 m. Lietuvoje internuoti lenkai“, stendai
Kilnojamoji paroda „1939–1940 m. Lietuvoje internuoti lenkai“, stendai
Kilnojamoji paroda „1939–1940 m. Lietuvoje internuoti lenkai“, stendai
Kilnojamoji paroda „1939–1940 m. Lietuvoje internuoti lenkai“, stendai