Travelling exhibition

Revival Rallies: a view from the other side of the barricades

Format: 13 hanging posters
Dimensions: 79 x 60 cm
Descriptions: In Lithuanian

Main Information


A travelling exhibition prepared in 2014 to celebrate the period of national revival movement. The revival rallies of the late 1980’s drew crowds of thousands. Forgetting the fear that had plagued them for years, the people of Lithuania lived in the hope of freedom and independence. But not all the participants in the rallies went there with elated feelings. Participants in unauthorised rallies and gatherings were under the watchful eye of the KGB. By not engaging themselves into the dispersal of rally participants, the KGB agents were taking notes of the speeches, the content of the posters, recording the number of participants and taking pictures of people to allow their identification later. Eventually, the KGB amassed a large collection of photographs. The more active rally participants were numbered and identified in the photographs. One can only imagine what would have awaited those people if the KGB had succeeded in suppressing the national revival…

When Lithuania restored its independence having united itself into a powerful movement, the KGB staff moved out of the palace on Gediminas Avenue in August 1991, leaving behind the photographs they had taken and collected. They remained to bear witness to history.

Virtualios parodos puslapis: „Atgimimo mitingai: žvilgsnis iš kitos barikadų pusės“

Fragments of the Exhibition

Kilnojamoji paroda „Atgimimo mitingai: žvilgsnis iš kitos barikadų pusės“, fotografijos
Kilnojamoji paroda „Atgimimo mitingai: žvilgsnis iš kitos barikadų pusės“, fotografijos
Kilnojamoji paroda „Atgimimo mitingai: žvilgsnis iš kitos barikadų pusės“, fotografijos
Kilnojamoji paroda „Atgimimo mitingai: žvilgsnis iš kitos barikadų pusės“, fotografijos