Travelling exhibition

So that it never ever happens again…

Format: 13 hanging stands
Dimensions: 36 x 52 cm (1 stand), 70 x 52 (12 stands)
Descriptions: In Lithuanian and English

Main Information


A travelling exhibition compiled in 2016 to commemorate the first mass deportation of the Lithuanian population in June 1941.

Most of the photographs were taken by Vilius Kairys.

Vilius Kairys’ parents were deported in 1941. Vilius Kairys was born in 1953 in Tit- Ary. In July 1989, he took part in an expedition to the north of Yakutia. Four groups of former deportees from Vilnius and Kaunas went to the former places of exile: Bykovo, Trofimovsk, Stolby, Tit-Ary in the Lena Delta and Ambarchan, Kazachy, Kuogastakh, Kresty in the Yana Delta. The expedition participants attended to the graves, as much as possible, of their compatriots and erected monuments. From Tit-Ary and Bykovo, they brought the remains of their relatives to Lithuania and buried them in their homeland.

Vilius Kairys’ photographs include images from the cemetery of Lithuanian deportees in Tit-Ary.

Fragments of the Exhibition

Kilnojama paroda „Kad nepasikartotų, kad niekada npeasikartotų...“, nuotraukos
Kilnojama paroda „Kad nepasikartotų, kad niekada npeasikartotų...“, nuotraukos
Kilnojama paroda „Kad nepasikartotų, kad niekada npeasikartotų...“, nuotraukos
Kilnojama paroda „Kad nepasikartotų, kad niekada npeasikartotų...“, nuotraukos
Kilnojama paroda „Kad nepasikartotų, kad niekada npeasikartotų...“, nuotraukos
Kilnojama paroda „Kad nepasikartotų, kad niekada npeasikartotų...“, nuotraukos
Kilnojama paroda „Kad nepasikartotų, kad niekada npeasikartotų...“, nuotraukos
Kilnojama paroda „Kad nepasikartotų, kad niekada npeasikartotų...“, nuotraukos