
An uneven battle (suppression of the armed resistance)

Permanent exposition
III-VI – 10:00-18:00, VII – 10:00-17:00
First Floor
Aukų Str. 2A., Vilnius
Entrance for adults – 6 €,
Pupils, students and pensioners (with ID) – 3 €.

Main Information


The Soviet government ruthlessly suppressed armed anti-Soviet resistance using extremely cruel and insidious methods. This exhibition tells the story who was in charge of consolidating the Soviet power in Lithuania, and which agencies suppressed the armed anti-Soviet resistance. Documents and photographs show the methods used by the direct perpetrators of the repressions – the army, the extermination battalions, and the hit squads of agents – and their consequences. The exhibition includes clips from the 1963 educational film Garsai eteryje (Sounds in the Air), produced at the F. Dzerzhinsky Higher School, which recreates episodes of the search for and apprehension of a group of paratroopers who were deployed from the West in the post-war years.

Exposition Location

Exposition „An uneven battle (suppression of the armed resistance)“
Location: First Floor

Fragments of the Exposition

Ekspozicijos „Nelygi kova“ vaizdas
Ekspozicijos „Nelygi kova“ vaizdas
Ekspozicijos „Nelygi kova“ vaizdas
Ekspozicijos „Nelygi kova“ vaizdas
Ekspozicijos „Nelygi kova“ vaizdas
Ekspozicijos „Nelygi kova“ vaizdas
Ekspozicijos „Nelygi kova“ vaizdas
Ekspozicijos „Nelygi kova“ vaizdas

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