Travelling exhibition

Famine as a weapon: 1932–1933, 2022

Format: 12 stands mountable on mobile structures
Dimensions: 150 x 225 cm
Descriptions: In Lithuanian, English and Ukrainian

Main Information


The Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights, in collaboration with Natalia Lavrova, curator of the educational art collection Holodomor through the Eyes of Ukrainian Artists, the U.S.–Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), the Association of Professional Photographers of Ukraine, and the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia, has arranged an exhibition that highlights the similarities between the Holodomor and the current war in Ukraine, pointing out that the Russian regime is not changing, but is still employing the same inhuman means of violence.

The outdoor exhibition stands juxtapose documentary photographs, paintings and graphic works, the earliest dating back to 1953, the others from the period 1989-1993, with contemporary photographs from war-torn Ukraine.

Fragments of the Exhibition


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