Virtual exhibition

January 1991 in the Testimonies of Defenders of Lithuanian Independence

Main Information


A virtual exhibition to commemorate the events of January 1991, when Lithuanian citizens, led by the pursuit of unity and freedom, resisted the aggression of the Soviet occupants and defended the independence of the restored state. The exhibition features a wealth of authentic testimonies of people who took part in the tragic January Events that were recorded shortly thereafter. The testimonies of the defenders of Lithuania’s independence, who stood guard at the Press House building, the Vilnius TV Tower, the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, and the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania, convey the sequence of events and the turbulent atmosphere of that time. The testimonies are illustrated with authentic photographs and videos of the events, which attest to the courage of the unarmed and peaceful defenders of Lithuania’s independence, protecting their country’s freedom from the barbaric aggression of the Soviet Army.

Fragments of the Exhibition
