Travelling exhibition

THE CHRONICLE OF VIOLENCE: Lithuania in 1939-1941

Format: 30 hanging posters
Dimensions: 12 pieces - 110 x 200 cm, 18 pieces - 60 x 200 cm
Descriptions: In Lithuanian and Engilsh

Main Information


A travelling exhibition on the events of 1939-1941, prepared in 2006. The documents and photographs on display provide an insight into the circumstances surrounding Lithuania’s loss of independence, the painful experience of the first Soviet occupation: the beginning of the repressions, the Sovietization of the country, and the tragedy of the Black June, when, within a matter of days, some 18,000 people, including many elderly people and children, were packed into cattle wagons, and expelled from their homeland.

Fragments of the Exhibition

Kilnojamoji paroda „Smurto kronika“, stendai
Kilnojamoji paroda „Smurto kronika“, stendai