For Visitors

Plan your visit to the Museum

Information for Guides

Guides wishing to give tours at the Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights are kindly invited to obtain a guide accreditation*.

Accreditation is obtained upon payment of the accreditation fee and submission of:

Please send your completed application form, together with the other relevant documents and a photograph, to

Upon confirmation of receipt of the application (by the museum), the guide accreditation fee (in EUR) must be paid. Payment confirmation should be submitted to .

* Description of the Procedure for the Accreditation of Guides at the Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania Memorial Department Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights (PDF, 150KB);

Guide accreditation certificate

The guide accreditation certificate is valid for 10 years. The museum guide accreditation certificate is valid together with the city guide certificate. A new certificate will be issued upon expiry.

The Museum reserves the right to unilaterally suspend and/or revoke a guide’s accreditation and the validity of the certificate issued in the event of:

  1. serious breaches of the guide’s professional ethics and the museum’s general procedures;
  2. improper and inappropriate use of the guide’s accreditation certificate;
  3. expiry and non-renewal of the certificate.

A guide seeking accreditation must familiarise them with the Museum’s exhibitions, the Guide Accreditation Procedure and be prepared to give a demonstration tour to the Accreditation Committee.

For more information, please refer to the description of the Certification Procedure of Guides (Certification). Should you have any questions, please contact

Atestuotų miesto gidų sąrašas
